Protection &
The company is formed by a team of well experienced professional engineers and corrosion specialists to provide corrosion protection technology. We are now a single source for the customers for all corrosion control and Cathodic protection requirements right from the design stage to testing and commissioning of the system including maintenance and condition monitoring to ensure asset integrity in Energy, Marine and Construction sector. Being part of a Global operations team, we can ensure quick and effective solutions with a group of specialists and engineers. Project management and leadership are extended in a highly professional manner backed up with Quality, Excellence and Dedication. MORE...
Cathodic Protection
Cathodic Protection is a major weapon against corrosion but has some costly disadvantages when trying to protect larger steel assets
For corrosion to occur, four elements must be present: a host site from which current flows, a destination site where no current flows, a medium capable of conducting current (such as water, concrete, or soil), and a metal path between the host and destination site.
Electrochemical corrosion of metals is the process by which ions on the surface of metal are transferred to another substance (a depolarizer, or less active substance or metal). Such depolarizers are oxygen, acids, or cations of more passive metals.
There are two basic types of cathodic protection:
1. Galvanic
2. Impressed Current Cathodic
Galvanic cathodic protection requires a sacrificial anode that is more electrochemically reactive than the material to be protected. Since the sacrificial anode is more electrochemically reactive, it will corrode before the protected material, so long as they are electrically connected. Sacrificial anodes are available in many different shapes and sizes. An example of a sacrificial anode is a block of zinc that is attached to a steel plate.
Galvanic cathodic protection relies on the potential difference between the sacrificial anode and the cathode, or the material being protected from corrosion. The larger the potential is, the more protection there will be. Galvanic corrosion protection is simple because it does not rely on external electrical sources. However, when the potential difference from the two materials alone is not sufficient to protect the cathode then the potential must be increased through the use of specialized equipment. This is a different type of cathodic protection called impressed current cathodic protection.
Cathodic protection is frequently used to protect:
Pipelines | Maritime vessels | Oil Platforms | Underground infrastructure
Impressed current cathodic protection systems consist of anodes that are connected to a power source that provides a perpetual source of electrical flow. The sacrificial anode method of protection uses a metal more active than the base metal to “sacrifice” ions. These “sacrificial anodes” (usual alloys such as magnesium, aluminum, or zinc) have a stronger electrochemical potential. This method can often provide much longer protection than a sacrificial anode. The anode is supplied by an unlimited power source.
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